Why do my comments about group photos keep being deleted?
Not sure – I’ve responded to each one. Maybe it’s happening on your end?
I can’t believe I went this long before checking out this post. I love the feel of the pieces Sebastian has made for/with Bassnectar music; they work so beautifully with the how these tracks feel in my mind. Thank you for sharing more information about Sebastian and his art! (See ya in March!!!! )
Are single days going to go on sale or at least two separate tickets for both days? I’m trying to sell my Friday tickets since my friend and I can only go on Saturday but if it’s one ticket, we don’t want to risk giving them to people Friday and trying to get them back for Saturday. Ugh.
Right now only 2-day passes are available – there is no plan for single day tickets at this moment.
Is there at least going to be a way to separate the ticket into days? I mean, some of us have careers, kids, etc. and as much as I love throwing away money, it would be nice to not always have to when it comes to Bassnectar events which seem geared more towards millenials who live at home and don’t have life commitments.
Jessica I would be VERY interested in buying your Friday tickets and then giving it back to you for saturdays show. I have a family reunion in Nashville that Saturday and didnt want to buy a two day ticket for one day. You have twitter?
Um yeah…..I spent a lot on these two day tickets. I’m not going to give them to a stranger hoping I get them back on Saturday. Too many shady people out there so unless we can somehow get the tickets separated then I’m cutting my losses with the money.
Damn that was one of the rudest things I’ve ever read from someone who was being offered help. You must not be the nicest person which is ok but don’t take it out on people trying to help you or offering to do something you asked about in the first place. Rational people, definitely not you, would see there is a way to do it where both people are protected. I would have suggested I pay you full amount for the ticket and then when we met up you gave me half back for Saturday. There’s probably a few more ways it could have worked but again, you may not be the most responsible person or maybe you associate with people who don’t stand by their word and that sucks for you. Either way, lighten up, try to smile, and don’t be such a prude to strangers.
Have a blessed day, and remember that not all people are like you and actually might be in the world doing good things.
Being offered help for what? I make plenty of money lol I just hate to see it go to waste. Offering help is a CLOSE FRIEND who decides they want to use them Friday. No one is that stupid to sell a two day ticket to a complete stranger hoping that they don’t get fucked over. I’m born and raised in Chicago so no, we don’t trust strangers, especially children who go to Bassnectar concerts with things we spent money on. That’s called being smart child. Have a blessed day, and remember that not all people are like you and actually have common sense. I’m a pediatric surgeon. What good things in the world are you doing? Not saving children’s lives I bet so please spare me. If you want a ticket so bad, buy one like the rest of us.
Are all Bassnectar fans as stuck up and snobby as this? Kind of a pretentious b-word comment imo, but to each their own. I was going to try my first BN event but with people acting like the girl above, or even the other comments, I don’t think I want to be around that. I bought my tickets the day they went on sale since I live just north of the IL/WI border but it seems Nick was just trying to be nice and offer to help and she over reacted and then the hating started. I definitely see both sides, and think it could have been approached differently from both parties involved but that’s hindsight now. Then the lawyers two cents just makes the whole crowd seem unfavorable which is saddening because I love music but don’t want to have to worry about “drugged out wooks” as he said ruining my night or the people I’m with. I hope you all randomly meet at the show and you’ll realize how wrong you might have been, or that you made a good choice…. if you meet though seriously post that picture and story in here and let us know how it went!
Please don’t let an online interaction and someone else’s opinion influence whether or not you come to our shows! There are a lot of love at these special events – you should 100% come and see for yourself 🙂
Hahahahahahahahaha. Honestly, I’ve gotta agree with the people who wouldn’t sell a two day ticket to a stranger and expect it back the next day. That’s just being smart because you just never know. I personally avoid Bassnectar crowds at festivals based on majority of my experiences with his fan base. Being snobby and stuck up is usually not my experience with them. A bit aggressive? Yes lol. You’ll have a great time though. Just stick with like minded people, that’s what I do. I’m old so prefer to be in vip just because it’s 21+ and I don’t want to ride the rail. Keep things close to you as yes there are plenty of wooks who will try to steal from you, not at all saying that’s the majority. Help those around you as yes, plenty of the crowd is doing substances but that doesn’t need to affect you unless you see someone who needs help. Just like every other crowd, there are working professionals, elitists, music junkies, teenagers, druggies, assholes, uptight biotches who wear heels to electronic shows……..that one speaks for itself. Stick with your friends and be open to every experience while protecting yourself and your stuff and you’ll have a blast!
Sorry for the delayed repsonse I was extremely busy and had surgery last Friday. I appreciate your POV on this and I think I will keep my ticket to experience this for myself, and see if I can find a safe spot in the crowd to enjoy my time. Thanks for being more polite than some of the other responses seemed.
You even changed your name on here to not Jessica’s friend I guess. How are you obsessed with me already? So creepy.
Nick. Don’t be that guy that Bassnectar doesn’t even want at his events. Jessica, good for you for not being dumb enough to give a stranger your tickets and expect them back the next day. We all know what kind of people attend these shows as much as I hate to say it. There’s only a few other Bassnectar fans that I trust and those are my two buddies from law school haha. The rest are all drugged out wooks who would definitely try to scam a lady over on tickets.
I think what she said is totally fair. She didn’t say that Nick specifically was sketchy, just that it’s risky to give a stranger your tickets.
Even with your suggestion, things could still go wrong. What if the show sells out, the guy holds on to the tickets, and even though she got paid for the tix she cant get into the event, making her plane ticket / hotel reservation etc a waste of money?
Nobody needs that kind of condescending moralization. Let Jessica do Jessica – she’s not hurting anybody by refusing an offer.
Wasn’t there, but looks like a Bassnectar throw down to me. See you in CO this summer. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Are hoops allowed? I’ve been to this venue before (Reation NYE 2 years ago) and they were not allowed! Hoping they are. Thanks!
Checking! This info will be released closer to the event 🙂
Will there be bleachers/ seats or is it like ATL New Years, one floor?
One floor!
cant wait its my b-day show
Will i be able to wear my LEDs? They took them all from me at freaky deaky.
Should be no issue – what are they? (where do you wear them?)
Hello every one Hotel Comfort Inn O’Hare Convention Center is offering discounted rate of $85 for anyone attending the SPRING GATHERING 2018. the rate includes free transportation to and fro Spring Gathering at the Donald E Stephen convention center, Free Hot buffet breakfast, free internet, free car parking, free shuttle to O hare airport please call on 847-553-4607 to reserve your hotel room
Hello Friends, Comfort Inn O’Hare Convention Center discounted rate starts from $85.00.
newly renovated hotel,free hot buffet breakfast, free parking, free wifi, state of art fitness center,free shuttle to Ohare airport. Free shuttle to the Bassnectar Chicago Spring Gathering at the Donald E Stephen Convention Center and just couple of miles away from the event. Please call the hotel directly on 847-635-1300 and ask for the Bassnectar Spring Gathering discounted hotel room rate. or call the sales department at 847-553-4607 or email vishal@comfortinnohare.com
Can you get 1 day passes?
Just 2-day passes available at the moment!
Whether you like it or not both parties are beyond corrupt. How can you openly support the party that blatantly rigged the election against the best candidate available and straight up bash and lie about the other party. We are currently in this situation (Trump, which actually could be worse) because of your party. What your party did to Bernie was an absolute disgrace to Democracy that you claim to be fighting for. Being from Illinois I find it unfair that one city decides for the entire state. The entire state of Illinois was red when it came to county to county voting and only Chicago was blue. In the end Illinois was labeled a blue state. This is why the electoral college is in place and needs to remain in place. I respect you man, I really do but you pushing these views, these personal views and basically lies onto the younger crowd is kinda lame. I’m all for getting kids out to vote and getting them involved with politics at such a young age to make change, but personally I just find it in “bad form” (That’s a movie quote from Hook) to push your own agenda on your fans. Just my two cents, I’ve been attending your shows for roughly 8 years now and I will continue to attend (even tho NYE was a shit show). But man there has gotta be a different way to get your message across than this.
[Scott, I wish you wouldn’t use the internet as a platform to push your views. The paragraph that you wrote above is in bad form, to push your opinions onto Bassnectar and the other people reading it. Just my two cents.]
You see how stupid that sounds? Just because someone has become successful, or gains a significant platform, should not diminish their ability or American right to share their views.
Although, I do totally agree with you that the answer to the shitty Republicans is NOT the shitty Democrats, and vice versa; which I think Lorin agrees too, as the entirety of his post is more geared towards fixing the voting system instead of investing in the Democratic Party…
A huge problem with this “democracy” is tribal politics. I don’t view myself as a centrist in the least, and anyone who’s looking can see the blatant corruption on both sides…
I agree with pretty much everything Lorin’s said about fixing our election system, grassroots organization, and opposing Trump. I would just add that it’s equally as important to also oppose the corrupt left, and I believe Lorin does.
He was an avid Bernie supporter from the get go, and also wrote up a long blog about having heartburn for voting for Hillary, but ultimately claimed it was necessary to oppose Trump.
what is wrong with your brain that you obsess over some mediocre dubstep dj’s political opinions. some people just BEG to be lead i guess. but this whole thing is corny and bassnectar is seemingly brewing some creepy smelly cult of easily influenced fans of his to feed them political ideas because apparently CNN spewing the exact same trash wasnt enough for them
Yea man he’s SO OBSESSED! JUST BEGGING TO BE LED! And your right that cults gotta be so creepy and smelly! lol However i think it suggests something is wrong with someone’s brain when they call Lorin mediocre. And attacking CNN out of nowhere? lol where did that come from? Is this secretly trump himself trolling?!!
so do you listen to alex jones daily? i mean id act this pent up and sexually frustrated too if i spent all day on 4chan staring at memes
i feel like this is an ultra respectful way for him to get a message across. bassnectar is, and always was, about engagement from a left point of view that focuses on freedom and equality. i dont think that this discussion is necessarily pro democrat as it is anti conservative. you claim that he’s pushing “lies onto the younger crowd.” would you care to support that claim. i was aware of the majority of this information well before it was shared on this platform so im just curious to see what you mean by “lying”
The electoral college doesn’t give a voice to the people whatsoever. Because of it, my vote (Ohioan) counts more than the vote of almost any other American. That isn’t just wrong but also a blatant disregard for our citizens’ freedom of choice. You said it in your comment Scott Evans, only Chicago went blue but the whole state was labeled blue. That sounds like the electoral college worked against the voice of the populace if you ask me. I feel liken you’re actually unknowingly fighting and arguing against your best interest.
On the contrary. I am for the electoral college not the majority. The fact that my home state was basically entirely red except for Chicago and labeled a Democratic state is what I’m upset about.
That’s because a few million people in the rural areas own a lot of land, but several million more people in the urban areas have more votes. Geographically small cities being able to outnumber the rest of a state is okay because you don’t get votes based on the amount of land area you own. One vote per one person, regardless if you live in an apartment or own a 10,000 acre farm.
The electoral college is the mechanism that makes the outnumbered people of a state feel (understandably) like their vote is lost. It can be a problem no matter which sides With a popular vote tally, those votes will count equally no matter which state they come from.
Yeah… lol thats literally contradicting yourself in the most simple way. You want the electoral college, but you dont like that your state got labeled blue? you do realize the electoral college is the reason your whole state gets a blue or a red color. everybody who voted red in your state’s vote would actually then matter. Tell me what im not understanding here. More people in your state voted democratically, thats why it was labeled blue. literally doesnt make any sense to say your for something but be personally upset with the result it produces.
The popular vote made the whole state blue not the electoral college. You misunderstood what he said.
While we need to work to change the way people are represented with the electoral college, we also need to also address felony disenfranchisement so that true representation is given to all even if they may be jail. If you look at all states and the percentage of incarcerated minorities vs whites (whites take up about a 1/10, blacks just under 2/3s and Latino just under 1/3 of prison population *2010 census) this is a large percent of people who can not represent their local areas in the vote. This mixing with gerrymandering is causing more misrepresentation of local areas that force proportions of votes to the side of the representative who drew out the gerrymandering laws. All of these connections are a problem in voter suppression that the electoral college falls along the lines of corruption.
Felons gave up their rights when they decided to commit a felony.
Even when they are on probation? Laws are made to supreses people unless crimes are committed with intention to harm they should still be allowed to vote, It creates a more equal voting percentage
When I saw this linked on the Facebook post, I was excited. I felt the discussion here would be of a higher quality and depth than is typical of social media discussions of this kind. And thus far, that feeling was valid.
I’m pretty disappointed, however, that so few chose to follow the link. 7 total comments. It appears most would rather engage in their shallow, vitriolic social media presences than to have actual discussions.
It really bums me out, but thank you, regardless. I mean that sincerely.
There is a swell of apathy amongst this generation. Unfortunately i see the spirit hidden behind the psychological onslout..process 50 frames per second consciously yet being fed three times that much..the stream of information we drink from has gotten deeper..so whats in the water? We dont look out the window..we dont even look across the room..we are being trained to focus as far as we can reach and no more..VR will teach us to no longer see ourselves..Ronald McDonald could be announced emperor of the norther hemisphere and if mark zuckerburg was shaking his hand people would support it. Theres enough chemicals masquerading as protien that we ignore how weak our minds have become because looking down at these screens makes us more critically over comensate.dont be suprised to encounter critics when you interupt the devices dellusions..i wish to express more revelations i have learned but admit fatigue has come after witnessing the sprawling debates that ensewed from the original post..i find sometimes the facebook of reality to generate more disconnection than not for what can best be attributed to the need for an immersive user interaction with the software..arguments require more interation through the platform than agreements..i could be wrong but i see it more than not..to stimulate more interaction with the service the people are divided…by the service
lol u are so corny
i love that people are finally waking up – i hope with all of my being that people continue to wake up, and not accept the status quo. It’s high time for a revolt. We can’t bitch about our situation if we refuse to act.
Repeal Citizens United.
Stop playing into the divide and conquor stradegy
I had asked about possible upgrades to VIP a few weeks ago and was told that option is not available at the time. On another note tho, I would still like to purchase VIP tix. So if anyone on here has not purchased tix I am interested in letting my 2 GA tix go for what I got them for if not less if it’s a good deal. Really enjoyed ATL’s VIP and would like to get it for this as well.
Hey Lorin/Basscrew,
Is there someone on the media side of things that I could get in touch with about creating an aftermovie/event recap video? I’m a local Chicago event videographer and long time fan of his!
Cheers (:
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
NYE 2017/18 was beyond perfect. Just when i thought, how can it be better then 360? THEN LORIN AND THE CREW SHOW ME!!! Each event me and my crew travel to is incredible in every single way! I leave speechless and hungry for more bass music after EVERY event!
Also, i was wondering if anyone can tell me if any of the Official NYE merch will ever be posted up for sale? After waiting 3 hours to check into our hotel across the street because of accidental over booking, 2 hours to get into the venue, then another almost 2 hours of waiting in line for merch i was crushed to find out that the Other Worlds NYE jacket had sold out. Other Worlds is my FAVORITE track right now and when it was dropped in ATL, I turned into a puddle. Personally, that song holds a lot of meaning to me already and it would mean a lot if i could find the jacket to purchase. I have been obsessively lurking on ALL nectar Facebook pages in hopes that maybe someone will want to part ways with one they bought. With having no luck on that (or missing out when someone DID post theirs for sale…damnit.) i thought maybe i would try to go right to the source and maybe i could get more information on this topic. Thank you!
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Lol @ Bassnectar. Dude invites people to his website to engage in “debate” then deletes everyone’s opinions he disagrees with. No wonder there’s so few comments here. What a phony
Post it again, it was a good comment.
I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are. Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people. Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints. Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Funny his fans and him are all for “tolerance” and “free speech” until it’s an opinion that differs from his liberal globalist one-world-government socialist utopian world view. All while he himself benefits from capitalism. What a scam.
You got that right.
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Nobody is deleting anything @disqus_4xuVyouwLp:disqus
His comment was removed. I saw it posted then it went away after refreshing. So unless he’s lying or there was a glitch then yes it was removed.
I thought it was a glitch at first but the second time I saw it was getting approval from moderator so I caught him in the act I ain’t stupid dude I took IT class back in school I know how this shit works.
Kind of funny that once I posted the comment saying my original comments were getting deleted after I seen a notice saying the moderator was in the process of my comment getting approval that my original post from six hours ago suddenly came back. But hey, it’s whatever, I just found it humorous – appearing, disappearing and appearing again six hours later. Hopefully it stays this time ?
Really cuz both times I posted, the comments showed up and then it said moderator has now got to approve it then it disappears when I come back. Gimme a break
The Disqus system says you deleted it…
Ya I did delete one and reposted the updated comment. That one has nothing to do with others I posted. He’s deleting them.
AGAIN: nobody is deleting your comments. Lorin is not on this page.
I just took a look in the Spam section, looks like the system marked your initial comment as spam.
Relax buddy – nobody is trying to silence you.
Whatever dude. I saw it, my cousin saw it and I saw the message saying he was in the middle of approving it, then me and my cousin and Beavis saw it. It doesn’t matter it’s up now. If it magically “disappears” again then he’s deleting it.
Just sharing what I’m literally looking at in the backend of the Disqus system. I’m going to move on with my day now – have a good one!!
It’s kind of suspicious to say he deleted it when you are online at the same time he posts the comment absolutely destroying this article’s argument with facts and logic. Bassnectar was the one that told us to come here and debate instead of on the Facebook thread with those childish responses to fans unhappy with him shoving his agenda down their throats.
Read my comments Kyle – nobody is deleting anything.
His initial comment was marked as spam and Thomas himself deleted the other.
So my first comment five hours ago was marked as spam as well as the one from an hour ago? Those don’t have a thing to do with the one I deleted. I’m done talking about it – the dude doesn’t like what I said or somebody doesn’t and that’s the bottom line
Any update on when that summer gathering will be happening!?!?
A democracy without liberty and justice for all will always be corrupted in favor of the oligarchy. Careful with what you believe to be true, they could be misleading you into falling for the same fallacies that billions of Americans buy into. Hope that the system is honest about how it works. They lie kiddos. It’s a pursuit of happiness, not a right or a guarantee. They really just want liberty and justice to work out for those in power. And those in power are always the old money and their loyalty. They will buy the freedom to corrupt the system every time, and build a support group large enough that the system will only change through smart economic and social change. Politics is the slowest way to change the game. Spend your money smarter and use your word wiser, to more productive ends; and you might earn the right to buy a seat at the table. Until then you’ll just sound like a kid who hasn’t studied the game that the people in power have been running wild with all throughout world history. Piece of advice, study the philosopher. And buy your way into power. The vote will never take you there, it will only waste your potential to afford a seat at the table. Not to mention you’ll waste your time with lies of hope and promise instead of real firm plans once you’re in power. Plan for the future, don’t wish on a shooting star. Then get to work. Nothing is free in America. Especially not political power.
Wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing and empowering your community to make a meaningful difference!
Love all of your points but am wondering if you coming down a little hard on the term “conservative”? I feel like “republican” would be a better word for the people you are describing. Both parties seem disinterested in the people and very interested in building a bigger government system, keeping their own power, and lining their own pockets of course. The “us vs them” situation that we find ourselves in today doesn’t make sense for a proper dialog and discussion of ideas. Where is that third party?
The libertarian school of thought is one that I believe many bass heads share but might not know it. Socially liberally, fiscally conservative, small government. Do we really need a group of other people (government) telling us how to spend money? Treat others with dignity? Take care of our environment? I don’t have the answer but I like to think we don’t need an overlord restricting freedoms in exchange for securities. I think humans are better than that as a whole. We are a creative and persistent species. Perhaps a third party can become a strong center middle where thoughtful disagreements can occur and good ideas win.
They aren’t libertarians or fiscally conservative at all, they’re socialists that want massive taxation.
Hotel Room Discount for Bassnectar Spring Gathering Event:
Hotel :Comfort Inn O’Hare Convention Centre
Rate: one bed $85 and two beds $95
Distance from the event: one and half mile from the Donald E Stephen Convention centre
Newly Renovated hotel,
Free Shuttle service to the Bassnectar Spring Gathering Event
Free Shuttle to O’Hare Airport,free hot buffet breakfast, free parking, free high speed internet, state of art fitness center,free shuttle to Ohare airport. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e8201f1d2f4a6b6ffa74725239f035a6efb12af8d6c7698a8f69b66bd86c113.jpg Please call the hotel directly on 847-635-1300 and ask for the Bassnectar Spring Gathering discounted hotel room rate. or call the sales department at 847-553-4607 or email vishal@comfortinnohare.com
Are you able to upgrade to VIP if you’ve already purchased GA?
? digging the side project sound
I love this so much. Extremely excited for Valentine’s day & Okeechobee. 🙂
What happened to the frame group pics that were taken?? Will they be posted?
Those will be posted here soon: https://www.facebook.com/thebassnetwork
It was on my end my bad
Why do my comments about group photos keep being deleted?
Not sure – I’ve responded to each one. Maybe it’s happening on your end?
I can’t believe I went this long before checking out this post. I love the feel of the pieces Sebastian has made for/with Bassnectar music; they work so beautifully with the how these tracks feel in my mind. Thank you for sharing more information about Sebastian and his art! (See ya in March!!!! )
Are single days going to go on sale or at least two separate tickets for both days? I’m trying to sell my Friday tickets since my friend and I can only go on Saturday but if it’s one ticket, we don’t want to risk giving them to people Friday and trying to get them back for Saturday. Ugh.
Right now only 2-day passes are available – there is no plan for single day tickets at this moment.
Is there at least going to be a way to separate the ticket into days? I mean, some of us have careers, kids, etc. and as much as I love throwing away money, it would be nice to not always have to when it comes to Bassnectar events which seem geared more towards millenials who live at home and don’t have life commitments.
Jessica I would be VERY interested in buying your Friday tickets and then giving it back to you for saturdays show. I have a family reunion in Nashville that Saturday and didnt want to buy a two day ticket for one day. You have twitter?
Um yeah…..I spent a lot on these two day tickets. I’m not going to give them to a stranger hoping I get them back on Saturday. Too many shady people out there so unless we can somehow get the tickets separated then I’m cutting my losses with the money.
Damn that was one of the rudest things I’ve ever read from someone who was being offered help. You must not be the nicest person which is ok but don’t take it out on people trying to help you or offering to do something you asked about in the first place. Rational people, definitely not you, would see there is a way to do it where both people are protected. I would have suggested I pay you full amount for the ticket and then when we met up you gave me half back for Saturday. There’s probably a few more ways it could have worked but again, you may not be the most responsible person or maybe you associate with people who don’t stand by their word and that sucks for you. Either way, lighten up, try to smile, and don’t be such a prude to strangers.
Have a blessed day, and remember that not all people are like you and actually might be in the world doing good things.
Being offered help for what? I make plenty of money lol I just hate to see it go to waste. Offering help is a CLOSE FRIEND who decides they want to use them Friday. No one is that stupid to sell a two day ticket to a complete stranger hoping that they don’t get fucked over. I’m born and raised in Chicago so no, we don’t trust strangers, especially children who go to Bassnectar concerts with things we spent money on. That’s called being smart child. Have a blessed day, and remember that not all people are like you and actually have common sense. I’m a pediatric surgeon. What good things in the world are you doing? Not saving children’s lives I bet so please spare me. If you want a ticket so bad, buy one like the rest of us.
Are all Bassnectar fans as stuck up and snobby as this? Kind of a pretentious b-word comment imo, but to each their own. I was going to try my first BN event but with people acting like the girl above, or even the other comments, I don’t think I want to be around that. I bought my tickets the day they went on sale since I live just north of the IL/WI border but it seems Nick was just trying to be nice and offer to help and she over reacted and then the hating started. I definitely see both sides, and think it could have been approached differently from both parties involved but that’s hindsight now. Then the lawyers two cents just makes the whole crowd seem unfavorable which is saddening because I love music but don’t want to have to worry about “drugged out wooks” as he said ruining my night or the people I’m with. I hope you all randomly meet at the show and you’ll realize how wrong you might have been, or that you made a good choice…. if you meet though seriously post that picture and story in here and let us know how it went!
Please don’t let an online interaction and someone else’s opinion influence whether or not you come to our shows! There are a lot of love at these special events – you should 100% come and see for yourself 🙂
Hahahahahahahahaha. Honestly, I’ve gotta agree with the people who wouldn’t sell a two day ticket to a stranger and expect it back the next day. That’s just being smart because you just never know. I personally avoid Bassnectar crowds at festivals based on majority of my experiences with his fan base. Being snobby and stuck up is usually not my experience with them. A bit aggressive? Yes lol. You’ll have a great time though. Just stick with like minded people, that’s what I do. I’m old so prefer to be in vip just because it’s 21+ and I don’t want to ride the rail. Keep things close to you as yes there are plenty of wooks who will try to steal from you, not at all saying that’s the majority. Help those around you as yes, plenty of the crowd is doing substances but that doesn’t need to affect you unless you see someone who needs help. Just like every other crowd, there are working professionals, elitists, music junkies, teenagers, druggies, assholes, uptight biotches who wear heels to electronic shows……..that one speaks for itself. Stick with your friends and be open to every experience while protecting yourself and your stuff and you’ll have a blast!
Sorry for the delayed repsonse I was extremely busy and had surgery last Friday. I appreciate your POV on this and I think I will keep my ticket to experience this for myself, and see if I can find a safe spot in the crowd to enjoy my time. Thanks for being more polite than some of the other responses seemed.
You even changed your name on here to not Jessica’s friend I guess. How are you obsessed with me already? So creepy.
Nick. Don’t be that guy that Bassnectar doesn’t even want at his events. Jessica, good for you for not being dumb enough to give a stranger your tickets and expect them back the next day. We all know what kind of people attend these shows as much as I hate to say it. There’s only a few other Bassnectar fans that I trust and those are my two buddies from law school haha. The rest are all drugged out wooks who would definitely try to scam a lady over on tickets.
I think what she said is totally fair. She didn’t say that Nick specifically was sketchy, just that it’s risky to give a stranger your tickets.
Even with your suggestion, things could still go wrong. What if the show sells out, the guy holds on to the tickets, and even though she got paid for the tix she cant get into the event, making her plane ticket / hotel reservation etc a waste of money?
Nobody needs that kind of condescending moralization. Let Jessica do Jessica – she’s not hurting anybody by refusing an offer.
Wasn’t there, but looks like a Bassnectar throw down to me. See you in CO this summer. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Are hoops allowed? I’ve been to this venue before (Reation NYE 2 years ago) and they were not allowed! Hoping they are. Thanks!
Checking! This info will be released closer to the event 🙂
Will there be bleachers/ seats or is it like ATL New Years, one floor?
One floor!
cant wait its my b-day show
Will i be able to wear my LEDs? They took them all from me at freaky deaky.
Should be no issue – what are they? (where do you wear them?)
Hello every one Hotel Comfort Inn O’Hare Convention Center is offering discounted rate of $85 for anyone attending the SPRING GATHERING 2018. the rate includes free transportation to and fro Spring Gathering at the Donald E Stephen convention center, Free Hot buffet breakfast, free internet, free car parking, free shuttle to O hare airport please call on 847-553-4607 to reserve your hotel room
Hello Friends, Comfort Inn O’Hare Convention Center discounted rate starts from $85.00.
newly renovated hotel,free hot buffet breakfast, free parking, free wifi, state of art fitness center,free shuttle to Ohare airport. Free shuttle to the Bassnectar Chicago Spring Gathering at the Donald E Stephen Convention Center and just couple of miles away from the event. Please call the hotel directly on 847-635-1300 and ask for the Bassnectar Spring Gathering discounted hotel room rate. or call the sales department at 847-553-4607 or email vishal@comfortinnohare.com
Can you get 1 day passes?
Just 2-day passes available at the moment!
Whether you like it or not both parties are beyond corrupt. How can you openly support the party that blatantly rigged the election against the best candidate available and straight up bash and lie about the other party. We are currently in this situation (Trump, which actually could be worse) because of your party. What your party did to Bernie was an absolute disgrace to Democracy that you claim to be fighting for. Being from Illinois I find it unfair that one city decides for the entire state. The entire state of Illinois was red when it came to county to county voting and only Chicago was blue. In the end Illinois was labeled a blue state. This is why the electoral college is in place and needs to remain in place. I respect you man, I really do but you pushing these views, these personal views and basically lies onto the younger crowd is kinda lame. I’m all for getting kids out to vote and getting them involved with politics at such a young age to make change, but personally I just find it in “bad form” (That’s a movie quote from Hook) to push your own agenda on your fans. Just my two cents, I’ve been attending your shows for roughly 8 years now and I will continue to attend (even tho NYE was a shit show). But man there has gotta be a different way to get your message across than this.
[Scott, I wish you wouldn’t use the internet as a platform to push your views. The paragraph that you wrote above is in bad form, to push your opinions onto Bassnectar and the other people reading it. Just my two cents.]
You see how stupid that sounds? Just because someone has become successful, or gains a significant platform, should not diminish their ability or American right to share their views.
Although, I do totally agree with you that the answer to the shitty Republicans is NOT the shitty Democrats, and vice versa; which I think Lorin agrees too, as the entirety of his post is more geared towards fixing the voting system instead of investing in the Democratic Party…
A huge problem with this “democracy” is tribal politics. I don’t view myself as a centrist in the least, and anyone who’s looking can see the blatant corruption on both sides…
I agree with pretty much everything Lorin’s said about fixing our election system, grassroots organization, and opposing Trump. I would just add that it’s equally as important to also oppose the corrupt left, and I believe Lorin does.
He was an avid Bernie supporter from the get go, and also wrote up a long blog about having heartburn for voting for Hillary, but ultimately claimed it was necessary to oppose Trump.
what is wrong with your brain that you obsess over some mediocre dubstep dj’s political opinions. some people just BEG to be lead i guess. but this whole thing is corny and bassnectar is seemingly brewing some creepy smelly cult of easily influenced fans of his to feed them political ideas because apparently CNN spewing the exact same trash wasnt enough for them
Yea man he’s SO OBSESSED! JUST BEGGING TO BE LED! And your right that cults gotta be so creepy and smelly! lol However i think it suggests something is wrong with someone’s brain when they call Lorin mediocre. And attacking CNN out of nowhere? lol where did that come from? Is this secretly trump himself trolling?!!
so do you listen to alex jones daily? i mean id act this pent up and sexually frustrated too if i spent all day on 4chan staring at memes
i feel like this is an ultra respectful way for him to get a message across. bassnectar is, and always was, about engagement from a left point of view that focuses on freedom and equality. i dont think that this discussion is necessarily pro democrat as it is anti conservative. you claim that he’s pushing “lies onto the younger crowd.” would you care to support that claim. i was aware of the majority of this information well before it was shared on this platform so im just curious to see what you mean by “lying”
The electoral college doesn’t give a voice to the people whatsoever. Because of it, my vote (Ohioan) counts more than the vote of almost any other American. That isn’t just wrong but also a blatant disregard for our citizens’ freedom of choice. You said it in your comment Scott Evans, only Chicago went blue but the whole state was labeled blue. That sounds like the electoral college worked against the voice of the populace if you ask me. I feel liken you’re actually unknowingly fighting and arguing against your best interest.
On the contrary. I am for the electoral college not the majority. The fact that my home state was basically entirely red except for Chicago and labeled a Democratic state is what I’m upset about.
That’s because a few million people in the rural areas own a lot of land, but several million more people in the urban areas have more votes. Geographically small cities being able to outnumber the rest of a state is okay because you don’t get votes based on the amount of land area you own. One vote per one person, regardless if you live in an apartment or own a 10,000 acre farm.
The electoral college is the mechanism that makes the outnumbered people of a state feel (understandably) like their vote is lost. It can be a problem no matter which sides With a popular vote tally, those votes will count equally no matter which state they come from.
Yeah… lol thats literally contradicting yourself in the most simple way. You want the electoral college, but you dont like that your state got labeled blue? you do realize the electoral college is the reason your whole state gets a blue or a red color. everybody who voted red in your state’s vote would actually then matter. Tell me what im not understanding here. More people in your state voted democratically, thats why it was labeled blue. literally doesnt make any sense to say your for something but be personally upset with the result it produces.
The popular vote made the whole state blue not the electoral college. You misunderstood what he said.
First step to destroying the oligarchy is killing citizens united.
While we need to work to change the way people are represented with the electoral college, we also need to also address felony disenfranchisement so that true representation is given to all even if they may be jail. If you look at all states and the percentage of incarcerated minorities vs whites (whites take up about a 1/10, blacks just under 2/3s and Latino just under 1/3 of prison population *2010 census) this is a large percent of people who can not represent their local areas in the vote. This mixing with gerrymandering is causing more misrepresentation of local areas that force proportions of votes to the side of the representative who drew out the gerrymandering laws. All of these connections are a problem in voter suppression that the electoral college falls along the lines of corruption.
Felons gave up their rights when they decided to commit a felony.
Even when they are on probation? Laws are made to supreses people unless crimes are committed with intention to harm they should still be allowed to vote, It creates a more equal voting percentage
When I saw this linked on the Facebook post, I was excited. I felt the discussion here would be of a higher quality and depth than is typical of social media discussions of this kind. And thus far, that feeling was valid.
I’m pretty disappointed, however, that so few chose to follow the link. 7 total comments. It appears most would rather engage in their shallow, vitriolic social media presences than to have actual discussions.
It really bums me out, but thank you, regardless. I mean that sincerely.
There is a swell of apathy amongst this generation. Unfortunately i see the spirit hidden behind the psychological onslout..process 50 frames per second consciously yet being fed three times that much..the stream of information we drink from has gotten deeper..so whats in the water? We dont look out the window..we dont even look across the room..we are being trained to focus as far as we can reach and no more..VR will teach us to no longer see ourselves..Ronald McDonald could be announced emperor of the norther hemisphere and if mark zuckerburg was shaking his hand people would support it. Theres enough chemicals masquerading as protien that we ignore how weak our minds have become because looking down at these screens makes us more critically over comensate.dont be suprised to encounter critics when you interupt the devices dellusions..i wish to express more revelations i have learned but admit fatigue has come after witnessing the sprawling debates that ensewed from the original post..i find sometimes the facebook of reality to generate more disconnection than not for what can best be attributed to the need for an immersive user interaction with the software..arguments require more interation through the platform than agreements..i could be wrong but i see it more than not..to stimulate more interaction with the service the people are divided…by the service
lol u are so corny
i love that people are finally waking up – i hope with all of my being that people continue to wake up, and not accept the status quo. It’s high time for a revolt. We can’t bitch about our situation if we refuse to act.
Repeal Citizens United.
Stop playing into the divide and conquor stradegy
I had asked about possible upgrades to VIP a few weeks ago and was told that option is not available at the time. On another note tho, I would still like to purchase VIP tix. So if anyone on here has not purchased tix I am interested in letting my 2 GA tix go for what I got them for if not less if it’s a good deal. Really enjoyed ATL’s VIP and would like to get it for this as well.
Hey Lorin/Basscrew,
Is there someone on the media side of things that I could get in touch with about creating an aftermovie/event recap video? I’m a local Chicago event videographer and long time fan of his!
Cheers (:
Hi @jarrikofarrand:disqus ! You can submit media requests here: https://www.bassnectar.net/contact
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
NYE 2017/18 was beyond perfect. Just when i thought, how can it be better then 360? THEN LORIN AND THE CREW SHOW ME!!! Each event me and my crew travel to is incredible in every single way! I leave speechless and hungry for more bass music after EVERY event!
Also, i was wondering if anyone can tell me if any of the Official NYE merch will ever be posted up for sale? After waiting 3 hours to check into our hotel across the street because of accidental over booking, 2 hours to get into the venue, then another almost 2 hours of waiting in line for merch i was crushed to find out that the Other Worlds NYE jacket had sold out. Other Worlds is my FAVORITE track right now and when it was dropped in ATL, I turned into a puddle. Personally, that song holds a lot of meaning to me already and it would mean a lot if i could find the jacket to purchase. I have been obsessively lurking on ALL nectar Facebook pages in hopes that maybe someone will want to part ways with one they bought. With having no luck on that (or missing out when someone DID post theirs for sale…damnit.) i thought maybe i would try to go right to the source and maybe i could get more information on this topic. Thank you!
Hi @krystlestark:disqus! If any leftover NYE merch will be put into the store, it will be here: https://bassnectar.shop.musictoday.com/store
Glad you had a good time in ATL!! 🙂
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Lol @ Bassnectar. Dude invites people to his website to engage in “debate” then deletes everyone’s opinions he disagrees with. No wonder there’s so few comments here. What a phony
Post it again, it was a good comment.
I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are. Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people. Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints. Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Funny his fans and him are all for “tolerance” and “free speech” until it’s an opinion that differs from his liberal globalist one-world-government socialist utopian world view. All while he himself benefits from capitalism. What a scam.
You got that right.
Bassnectar I’m a (more like “was” now) Bassnectar fan. I also have identified as a “Conservative Independent” ever since 2008 when I first got into politics and supported Obama over McCain. I’m also a millennial. And frankly, this is one of the more absolutely ridiculous, piece of trash political posts I’ve ever read and I did read every last word before writing this in order to give a fair and complete response.
First there are numerous, hyper generalizations that are beyond absurd. One : Baby Boomers and millennials are written about as if there aren’t millions of Liberal thinking baby boomers and millions of Conservative thinking millennials. Newsflash: there are.
Two : The Electoral College is not some conspiracy theory white supremacist system to get conservatives in the Republican Party elected. Perhaps next time you should read up on the Constitution and all that it entails before coming to such bigoted viewpoints and read the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, so you’ll know that it was made to strike a compromise between votes of the President by congress and those by the American people and to keep voting balanced as others have mentioned numerous times so that voting is not dominated unfairly and controlled by only a few segments of the country by large states such as California, which is overwhelmingly liberal. This keeps the balance of power fair to strike a balance between parties and political ideologies and lines of thought in order to avoid extreme overreach by one party or the other.
Three : A true democracy and voting system should not exist for the sole purpose of getting who YOU want to be elected as President, it is to serve ALL people and represent ALL people and their differing viewpoints.
Four : Believe it or not, you CAN be a Bassnectar fan and ALSO BE a Conservative or a Republican, an Independent or a liberal or Democrat but apparently Bassnectar doesn’t believe that because if you did, you wouldn’t be slandering all conservatives as people who oppose every single thing you listed.
So although I know you thought this post of yours would be a good thing because apparently you don’t think things through very well, just know that it’s also having the opposite effect you thought it would with some of your fans. Maybe I should take your advice and simply boycott all future Bassnectar albums since we clearly have disagreements. Because it’s quite clear that you have no respect for anyone of your fans who may be conservative. How ironic – preaching to everyone about bigotry while being a bigot yourself. Good day
Nobody is deleting anything @disqus_4xuVyouwLp:disqus
His comment was removed. I saw it posted then it went away after refreshing. So unless he’s lying or there was a glitch then yes it was removed.
I thought it was a glitch at first but the second time I saw it was getting approval from moderator so I caught him in the act I ain’t stupid dude I took IT class back in school I know how this shit works.
Kind of funny that once I posted the comment saying my original comments were getting deleted after I seen a notice saying the moderator was in the process of my comment getting approval that my original post from six hours ago suddenly came back. But hey, it’s whatever, I just found it humorous – appearing, disappearing and appearing again six hours later. Hopefully it stays this time ?
Really cuz both times I posted, the comments showed up and then it said moderator has now got to approve it then it disappears when I come back. Gimme a break
The Disqus system says you deleted it…
Ya I did delete one and reposted the updated comment. That one has nothing to do with others I posted. He’s deleting them.
AGAIN: nobody is deleting your comments. Lorin is not on this page.
I just took a look in the Spam section, looks like the system marked your initial comment as spam.
Relax buddy – nobody is trying to silence you.
Whatever dude. I saw it, my cousin saw it and I saw the message saying he was in the middle of approving it, then me and my cousin and Beavis saw it. It doesn’t matter it’s up now. If it magically “disappears” again then he’s deleting it.
Just sharing what I’m literally looking at in the backend of the Disqus system. I’m going to move on with my day now – have a good one!!
It’s kind of suspicious to say he deleted it when you are online at the same time he posts the comment absolutely destroying this article’s argument with facts and logic. Bassnectar was the one that told us to come here and debate instead of on the Facebook thread with those childish responses to fans unhappy with him shoving his agenda down their throats.
Read my comments Kyle – nobody is deleting anything.
His initial comment was marked as spam and Thomas himself deleted the other.
So my first comment five hours ago was marked as spam as well as the one from an hour ago? Those don’t have a thing to do with the one I deleted. I’m done talking about it – the dude doesn’t like what I said or somebody doesn’t and that’s the bottom line
Any update on when that summer gathering will be happening!?!?
A democracy without liberty and justice for all will always be corrupted in favor of the oligarchy. Careful with what you believe to be true, they could be misleading you into falling for the same fallacies that billions of Americans buy into. Hope that the system is honest about how it works. They lie kiddos. It’s a pursuit of happiness, not a right or a guarantee. They really just want liberty and justice to work out for those in power. And those in power are always the old money and their loyalty. They will buy the freedom to corrupt the system every time, and build a support group large enough that the system will only change through smart economic and social change. Politics is the slowest way to change the game. Spend your money smarter and use your word wiser, to more productive ends; and you might earn the right to buy a seat at the table. Until then you’ll just sound like a kid who hasn’t studied the game that the people in power have been running wild with all throughout world history. Piece of advice, study the philosopher. And buy your way into power. The vote will never take you there, it will only waste your potential to afford a seat at the table. Not to mention you’ll waste your time with lies of hope and promise instead of real firm plans once you’re in power. Plan for the future, don’t wish on a shooting star. Then get to work. Nothing is free in America. Especially not political power.
Wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing and empowering your community to make a meaningful difference!
Love all of your points but am wondering if you coming down a little hard on the term “conservative”? I feel like “republican” would be a better word for the people you are describing. Both parties seem disinterested in the people and very interested in building a bigger government system, keeping their own power, and lining their own pockets of course. The “us vs them” situation that we find ourselves in today doesn’t make sense for a proper dialog and discussion of ideas. Where is that third party?
The libertarian school of thought is one that I believe many bass heads share but might not know it. Socially liberally, fiscally conservative, small government. Do we really need a group of other people (government) telling us how to spend money? Treat others with dignity? Take care of our environment? I don’t have the answer but I like to think we don’t need an overlord restricting freedoms in exchange for securities. I think humans are better than that as a whole. We are a creative and persistent species. Perhaps a third party can become a strong center middle where thoughtful disagreements can occur and good ideas win.
They aren’t libertarians or fiscally conservative at all, they’re socialists that want massive taxation.
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Are you able to upgrade to VIP if you’ve already purchased GA?
? digging the side project sound
I love this so much. Extremely excited for Valentine’s day & Okeechobee. 🙂