Another Do Lab shotta from Crash.
Photo: Jonathan Shoup
Bazznekta - NYE 2006 / Photo: Josh Miller
Halloween 2008 at The Orange Peel in Asheville
The Do Lab Goes Boom / Photo: Joe Miller and Joe Rubinstein
Photo: wwwjoshuabrottcom.jpg
Can I touch this once more?
Photo: Jonathan Shoup
Photo: Jonathan Shoup
Austin, TX crushers at Antones.
Echo Project 2007 / Photo: David Oppenheimer
Echo Project 2007 / Photo: David Oppenheimer
Crowd Surf
Opera Revival in Seattle - A rare scene caught on tape of my opera revival in Seattle. I am singing in Italian, but my baritone didn't really come through.
Bassnectar photos from Halloween 2008 at The Orange Peel in Asheville
Underground Communication
Banging at the Fox, May 7th 2007 / Photo: Dr. Nevada
Bassgates - ill nekta go bazoooom.
Boulder Theatre womping!
Portland / Photo: Joshua Brott (
Courtesy of Amy Whitehouse
Cuzzin It
Echo Project Masher / Photo: Dave Vann
Edmonton Crusher - Dec 1, 2007
Swatting tha bejeeziss outta SF - December 29, 2007 / Photo: Luxvibes
Edmonton Crusher - Dec 1st, 2007
El Papa Chango and Shin Denta
Ewok Stage 2006 - Wall-to-wall freaks in tha woods.
Fyzt Full of Metal
Goofing Off At the BtB Set - Instrument by Miguel / Photo: S. Regan.
I know it is schmucky to have my hands in the air... but I was excited.
Inspector Nectar / Photo: Josh Brott (
Is there an AC in this joint?
Kelowna Winter Ram-out - Dec 13 oh seven.
Last night in Missoula - Montana freakz givnr
Lib 2008 - The Do Lab Luxvibes - first view.
Lib 2008 - The Do Lab Womp witha view.
Luxvibes Strikes Again
Nelson - No place left in the inn
When the sun rises, we are all goofballs.
NYE 2007 - At the concourse, SF / Photo: Luxvibes
Photo: MV Galsnet
Cuzzin-it - Loving dem nobbz
Seattle Release / Photo: Michael Holden
SF Release Party at DNA
Shambhala - Mainstage 2005 / Photo:
Sneezing in Bezerkely
Sold-out Mayhem in Smasheville, NC / Photo:
Under Jamins ill stretchy sky curtains we dropped bass pon they heads.
X-Maz Potty at Jungle Room - 2006 Victoria
Wakarusa Freaks Mob the Stage
We Love the Boulder Theatre
Camp Bisco - rediculummm afternoon womp session / Photo: Dale