Ffffan Srancisco: How to Give Back (A Guide for the Bassnympho)

Ffffan Srancisco: How to Give Back (A Guide for the Bassnympho)

by Bassnectar
Posted: May 17, 2009


KKKAABOOM! Or, Vagaboom to be more exact.  We don’t know exactly where they came from, but these lovely ladies seem to have swooped down from the sky to salvage the arts and physical education programs in SF schools utilizing our favorite means: having an awesome time while rockin’ others’ sockz clean off. Vagaboom is on a mission to fuse circus arts, music, theater, acrobalance and stage production with K-8 education. Looking back at our public school experiences, we want to shove these people in a time machine so that they can go back to play with us.vagaboom

Vagaboom can always use talent and resourceful individuals to further their mission of transforming education into the experience that it should be. Their website is fun for the photos alone. We want to play dress up, too!


San Francisco, meet CELLspace, although we hope you have already. CELLspace is an activist venue, but not in the traditional sense of activism. Instead of protesting, CELLspace offers a space for both at risk youth and artistic adults to gather and create, learn and teach. And, any profits CELLspace gains from events go back into the programs they sponsor.  By providing the space for underserved groups to organize and fundraise, meet and create, CELLspace grants greater power and ability to those who would not have it otherwise.
Your mission, FanSRanzowoomparoos? Go to an event at CELLspace and see if you don’t get sucked in to this group like Lorin’s head when we tried to vacuum out the residual headbangs…  We promise it will be WAY less painful and much more diverting to tutor, work an event, promote a class, or any other number of opportunities you have to get involved with this space.

Global Exchange

Global Exchange is a national organization that puts its roots down into local communities and gets their hands dirty in the soil of our backyards. After working with some of the atrociously articulate affiliates in Eugene, OR, we couldn’t get enough and reached out to see what they were up to a little further South. We were not disappointed in the slightest by what we found.
In partnership with the City College of San Francisco, Global Exchange is connecting city college students to all the resources they require to learn about, contribute to, and work in the green community. Students are granted access to paid internships that facilitate the bridging of the gap economic and the gap social between underrepresented communities and the green future that we all share.
And that’s just a few words on one (sinfully successful) effort.

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