The night is young, Georgia.
And here we are, at the 40 Watt, show 4 of 5 nights in a row. Athens gave us all a sauna at load in and we are grateful for the calm before the storm, when the room is still cooler than outside (but not for long, we’re about to show the world what real humidity is…) Today, we finally rescued our amp rack from the clutches of the evil UPS empire, and have the stage geared to the teeth, sound check having dumped my water bottle all over the floor.
This night is the first of four for which we are collaborating with Conscious Alliance, next up Charleston, then Asheville, and an exclusive Halloween poster for Denver (stay tuned, I haven’t even seen it yet.) Jesse is busy on an art project of a portrait of his girlfriend (who, he assures us, is not actually purple) and the rest of the team are heading up the table, collecting food for the hungry in Athens.
On their table is an impressive array of posters from previous events, String Cheese to Rothbury, where awesome volunteers, artists, musicians, and event organizers have collaborated to assist local food banks during times like these when, as the back of the poster says, over 37 million Americans suffer from hunger every day and 12 million of those people are children.
And this situation is a win for absolutely everyone. Volunteers get to go to amazing shows, the hungry get fed, you get to clean out your cupboards and take home a fantastic memento of a musical experience, and the artist gets their art seen everywhere. Like here. Huge thanks goes out to Krystal Smith for painting this beautiful imagery. If you’re headed out to Denver, Charleston, or Asheville, please support our efforts to feed your community!