April 30, 2020


As soon as we discover any way to restart the engines, we promise you to come back bigger, stronger, and better than ever with all dials cranked to maximum… we are already exploring every possible option for the last part of this year, and for 2021. But when we do finally design our events in the future, we want you to be able to decide if and how it’s right for you to participate, and not be bound to it at a time when you may have more important concerns of survival and well-being. We wish the absolute best to you and your families, and while music and art matter so much to us, nothing is more important or precious than human life and we celebrate you making the most of every possible second. Also, as we prepare to launch the first full length album in years, we are bursting with creative energy to explore new ways of sharing music. The Lockdown Mixtapes series will continue for as long as we are all on lockdown, and there are many, many, many chapters of that to unlock and explore… so stay tuned. ************************************************************************************************ PS: It is quite possible that we will

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