August 27, 2018


HERE WE GO AGAIN THE LOTS @ BASS CENTER XI ¡¡COME EARLY & BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! We’ve taken one trip around the sun since our last Bass Center blowout, and now we’re locked and loaded for another inter-dimensional adventure aboard The Mothership!! It’s been a WILD summer thus far, and there’s no better way to cap it off than in Hampton Coliseum with as many freaks as we can pack into the place – celebrating the precious gift of life and all the magic of each moment! Last year we tried something new: a daytime gathering outside the venue filled with music, art, vibes, food, outdoor activities, meetups, and so much more – this year, we gotta bring it back! This is a free outdoor day party for you and your crews to gather, stretch, work out the kinks, and prepare for liftoff (: We asked last year, so we’ll go ahead and ask again: What are you going to bring? Bring something that best represents you, and contribute – it could be your latest artwork to share with others, or small presents to give away, or food + drink to keep your crew nourished, or crazy costumes, or face-painting,

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