by Bassnectar
Posted: October 6, 2014

Bassnectar - Halloween 2014 - NVSB Tour 2014NASHVILLE NEW YEARS 2015!!!

Hot off the heels of our sold out Madison Square Garden smasher we’re wasting no time in announcing this epic return to the Bridgestone arena and raising the bar up and up and up until it turns into a spaceship and discovers new realities…

Yes, we’re bringing Bassnectar 360° back to Nashville for New Year’s Eve – how could we not!?? With last year’s event selling out once again, we are zooming back for our 4th annual: December 31st, 2014!

#NYE360 vets will know what to expect – noise, beauty and a close encounter of the thirty third kind, in 360 degree smash-o-vision, this time with support from legendary bass music pioneer Tipper and West Coast up-and-comer G Jones!!!

Tickets, Travel Packages and VIP tickets are now sold out!

VIP Upgrades are now sold out!

Facebook RSVP

Bassnectar presale tickets that were purchased through Frontgate tickets – not via promoter presale – come with floor wristbands.

Doors open @ 7:30 PM
VIP Doors open @ 7:00 PM

This is an 18+ event and ID is required at entry. The following are the allowed forms of identification for the event as per the facility:

> US government-issued driver license or ID card displaying a photograph and date of birth.
> US or foreign government-issued passport displaying a photograph and date of birth.
> Foreign government-issued driver license with a color photocopy of a foreign government-issued passport with both documents displaying both a photograph and date of birth.

Not accepted:
> School identification cards
> Consular identification cards
> Expired identification of any kind, even if listed on the “Acceptable” list.
> Birth certificates
> Photocopies of any identification document except as noted in the “Acceptable” list


GA wristband distribution will begin at 11:59PM on December 30, 2014. Lines for distribution may not form prior to 11:00PM on December 30, 2014 and anyone attempting to form lines prior to 11:00PM will be asked by security to vacate the area and return not earlier than 11:00PM.

Wristbands will be distributed on a first come, first served basis once distribution begins, and distribution will end once all wristbands have been distributed.

Rules for wristband distribution:
> Lines may not form prior to 11:00PM on December 30, 2014.
> The queue line for wristband exchange will form on 5th Ave. South — guests standing in the queue are required to stand within the designated queueing area.
> Guests may not hold space in line for other guests — security personnel will be instructed to send any guests holding spaces in the line to the end of the line, regardless of their original position in the queue.
> Wristband distribution is planned to begin at 11:59PM on December 30, 2014, however, the facility reserves the right to begin wristband distribution at any time following 11:00PM on December 30, 2014.
> Each guest must hold their own ticket to receive a wristband — guests may not exchange tickets for wristbands on behalf of other guests that are not present in the wristband line.
> This is an 18 and over show and all guests exchanging wristbands must show identification (please see the Accepted and Unacceptable identification lists on the Bassnectar.net page).
> Wristbands will be applied directly to the wrist of each guest exchanging a ticket for a wristband by facility personnel.
> Once all wristbands have been distributed, security personnel will make announcements and the line will be shut-down — no further wristbands will be distributed

Please note that guests that have received wristbands on December 30th during the distribution must also bring the the following for entry into the event on December 31st when doors open to the general public

If any of the following items are not present, the facility reserves the right to deny entry to the facility or the GA floor:
> Valid ticket with barcode.
> Valid identification to verify 18+ (even though this was verified during distribution, it will be verified again during facility entry).
> Valid GA floor wristband on the wrist it was applied to by facility personnel — wristbands with visible tampering will be removed by security personnel.


Allowed items:
> Earplugs
> Non-professional digital and film cameras
> Small bags and drawstring-style backpacks
> One factory-sealed plastic bottle of water 20oz or less (caps to be removed by security at the entrance)
> Items such as tampons, chapstick, gum, and cigarettes must be factory-sealed
> Empty Camelbaks (the carrier may have no more than 2 main compartments and 1 small compartment)
> One (1) empty water bottle (20 oz or less)
> Totems of reasonable size and constructed in a way to not interfere or affect public safety
> Reusable light-up toys & LED Gloves
> 1 inflatable toy (deflated upon entry)
> Hula Hoops
> Costumes
> Masks (may not fully cover the head)
> Face paint (already applied prior to entry)

Items that are NOT permitted:
> Backpacks or bags larger than 8.5×11
> Any professional cameras, any video and/or any audio equipment
> Outside food or beverage
> Electronic or vapor cigarettes
> Glowsticks
> Laser pointers
> Full head masks, dust masks
> Vitamins
> Instruments
> Stuffed animals, dolls, or plush wearable items/backpacks
> Markers, Pens, or Spray Paint

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