With almost every last ticket long gone for our upcoming Spring Tour, we want to commend two awesome websites for helping to support people trying to find fairly priced tickets.
Instead of getting ripped off by some suckafish scalper on Stub Hub, check out:
Cash Or Trade – cashortrade.org
Magnolia Miracle – magnoliamiracle.com
Both organizations are doing great things to combat scalping by providing fair trade marketplaces where tickets are exchanged for cash at face value, or for tickets of equal value.
And if you have extra tickets to sell or swap, these are good places to give people an honest deal. You can also look for or post up face value tickets on our website or Facebook event pages.
Don’t be a suckafish! Wherever you transact please offer tickets at face value!!! #FuckStubHub
If you need more help please consult your friends at the BassNetwork:
We hope this helps bring people together, and helps you get into the shows you want to be a part of 🙂
And if you have a spare ticket you were considering selling, how about gifting it to a stranger and making a new friend? Nothing better than #RandomActsOfKindness!