Bassnectar Fall Tour 2012The Bassnectar crew will be bringing the Fall Tour 2012 to Amherst, MA at the Mullins Center on Thursday, November 15th!

We are excited to welcome Gramatik, Gladkill, and Griz to the line-up for this event!

This is a 16+ Age Limit show.

Doors: 5:30 PM

Click here for tickets

Facebook RSVP

Empty camelbacks, non-professional cameras and small searchable bags are all allowed. Totems are allowed – no sharp objects permitted, subject to venue discretion. No laser pointers or hula hoops.

A statement from Mullins Center regarding the process for Wristbanding is below:

“The process used for wristbanding at Mullins Center is based on two primary objectives: public safety and customer service

Given the building’s layout and proximity to Commonwealth Avenue, we needed to be certain that lines did not extend or back up to this very busy street, which is located just off the main entrance to the arena. By beginning the process earlier in the day, it would allow us to process the lines more efficiently, not coincide with guests coming for general entrance and avoid long lines extending toward Commonwealth.

This process also would provide the best service to those coming to the show because we would avoid having guests wait in a wristband line, then when wristbands hit the capacity, those in line having to switch to another line. At that point, they would then be at the back of the next line.

We gave this process much thought and consideration and feel we have the best possible approach for a safe entrance for the show.”

Home > Events > 2012.11.15 – BASSNECTAR IN AMHERST, MA