Bassnectar - Summer Festivals GuideOn May 12, 2012 we wrapped up the Spring leg of our Vava Voom Tour in Seattle. After weeks of mobbing through town after town with our entire crew and roadshow, we have moved on to a new phase for the year: SUMMER FESTIVAL SEASON!!!

Below is your guide to road map of wildstyle bassline action and merriment – a roller coaster upon which you are of course invited to join us:

5-19 Electric Daisy Carnival New York
Actually occuring in New Jersey, this will be our first of many summer festivals. The festival sets are usually markedly different from sets on road tour, because they are shorter, more rapid fire blasts of big anthem after big anthem, and while they lack the subtelety and nuance of a normal set, they make up for it in massiveness. Almost every stage on this run of fests will be to crowds of over 10,000 people, and when you get that many bass heads together: beautiful things happen.

5-27 Lightning In A Bottle
Extremeley one-of-a-kind type of event: a four day camping festival, by artists for artists, The Do Lab creates immersive environments at festivals and events across the world, and this is their annual family festival which has erupted in size to over 15,000 people with 3 stages, nonstop workshops and classes, and a lovely late-night scene with more of a wandering carnival & campfire feel. Eclectic music & performace until 2am, on this 4 day weekend in Southern California, with plenty to explore after hours…

6-1 & 6-2 Red Rocks Double Whammy
With last year’s event still buzzing in our brains as one of the most magical of 2011, we are preparing for 2 consecutive nights at this epic wonderland in Denver, CO. After 10,000 tickets to our June 2 show sold out almost instantly, we added up a second show (June 1) which will be equally packed, providing two distinct adventures: night one musical support Diplo and Keys & Crates, night two musical support Flying Lotus and Vibesquad. With a literally vertical mountain of beautiful human beings pulsing as one freakish space ship, this event is rain or shine, and one of the summer highlights!

Bassnectar @ Red Rocks 2011Bassnectar @ Red Rocks 2011

6-7 Bassrush Massive: Las Vegas
With a lineup that features nonstop names from the grimiest bass music djs (Knife Party, Datsik, Excision, Noisia, 12th Planet, Sigma, Borgore, Fury) packed into one night, let’s just say this event is not for lovers of country music or soft jazz. Bring ear plugs and diapers and prepare to kick off the insanity of EDC in Las Vegas.

6-8 EDC Vegas
Last year was unforgettable: one of the largest gatherings of EDM in the country, with stunning art installations and state-of-the-art decor & production. (Highlight was hijacking David Guetta’s helicopter and zooming over the festival grounds (LINK) This year we have the honor of playing mainstage saturday night, representing all styles of music on what is traditionally a progressive house/trance stage. Come blow the fucking lid off of genres & expectations at one of the biggest parties on the planet!!!

[studio week working on music for the next Resident Evil movie – WOOT!!!]

6-21 La Machine – Paris, FR
En route to our festivals in Germany, we get to stop in Paris for my first time ever!!! Last year we rocked the beach in Cannes but didn’t make it to Paris, so there was no way we would miss it again this year. France’s Niveau Zero and Lucid will be supporting.

6-22 Hurricane Festival – Scheeßel, Germany
With my remix of Lights hitting number 1 on iTunes in Germany, we have been getting blown up more by them than any other E.U. country. This festival is a massive collection of music and styles and a perfect way to kick off Vava Voom in Europe. Pennywise are also on the bill!

6-24 Southside Festival – Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany
Another legendary German music festival, same weekend as Southside, a few hours away…double the bass, double the pleasure 🙂

6-28 Electric Forest – Rothbury, MI
My first experience at Rothbury was in 2008: one of the most gorgeous and magical sites for a festival. Now that Madison House has teamed up with Insomniac to bridge the worlds of forest nymphs and bass heads, they have created the perfect storm; and for me it is an excellent opportunity to play a festival (bangers & athems) and still build a carefully crafted musical journey with lots of diversity and dynamic flow.

Bassnectar @ Electric ForestElectric Forest Family Photo 2011

6-29 Although it isn’t happening, i wanted to say hi to Edmonton, Alberta! We tried so hard to put together a special bass festival for you here on this sunday, and it simply could not work out for a jillion reasons beyond our control. We are working to bring the bass back asap!!! 🙂

7-13 Forcastle – Louisville, KY
Last year was a killer gathering along the water, we got to play between DEVO & The Smashing Pumpkins. This year the lineup is full of artists I love collaborating with, so expect some extra-rare mashups and experiments!!!

7-14 Camp Bisco – Mariaville, NY
This will be my 4th or 5th time playing Camp Bisco, always one of the most raucous, wildest, muddiest, craziest events of the summer. I remember one time playing as the sky erupted in a thunderstorm and the rain was crashing down i the lights, epic times (see below photo.) And as a festival it keeps growing and gaining momentum…

Bassnectar @ BiscoCamp Bisco 2008 – Photo by Dave Vann

7-20 Firefly Festival
Talk about a diverse and magical lineup: i think i may be one of the only DJs, but it’s a fantastic collection of artists and sounds from all corners of the spectrum. Super excited for Delaware and all road tripping travellers to have an epicenter for midsummer’s musical moments. Several years ago it was routine to be one of the only DJs playing at festivals of big rock bands, hip hop artists, niche indy bands and musicians, etc. It’s a big pleasure to play within that context.

8-3 Lollapalooza – Chicago
HEADS UP! This is gonna be a smasher!!! Headlining Perry’s EDM area on Friday Night, they have abandoned the tent because there are simply too many people who want to be a part of this music. After our delicious double whammy @ the Congress, and our South American Lolla Adventures, this is an epic follow up, and I am saving some special stuff for this one….

8-4 The Veld Festival – Toronto
This will be the largest festival and crowd I’ve ever played to in Toronto, and definitely one of the coolest lineup in Eastern Canada this summer. Primarily EDM, this festival also features the likes of Knife Party, Kill The Noise, Steve Aoki, Deadmau5, and Avicii.

Lots more festivals to come, including visits to Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, and back home in the US. Stay tuned for Summer Frenzy Festival Guide Part 2!


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