This was a song I loved as a child, and something I started working on back in 2002. I called it the 2003 remix because I think that is when I actually finished it, but of course I never released it; just kept it as a secret weapon and bootleg. (I love the whistling part in the middle.)
The beat is a bit of an older style… 103 bpm hip hop beats with fuzzy bass and a playful attitude. Newer/younger fans who separate music into 1 of 2 categories (“filthy” or “Not filthy enough”) will undoubtedly have no interest in this song, as it is basically a b-side remix that has been locked away in my vaults for many moons. But the old school heads may enjoy it and, regardless, I love it.
A few hours after hearing the news that Egypt was becoming a democracy I was sitting on a plane next to my buddy Tamer, who is Egyptian, and the joy in his face was electrifying. He was beaming, and I thought maybe it would be fun to dust off this old tune and huck it out into vapor space, here you go: