Tha Atlanta extravaganza and then some

Atlanta marks the last installment of our spring activism extravaganza, and we are looking forward to collaborating this Fall even more symbiotically with local organizations around the country. If you know of an organization that should be involved, please shoot me, Lia, a line at Basscorsair(at)bassnectar(dot)net

I’d love to hear from you.

However, we ain’t sayin’ our fond sayonaras ahora. Atlanta’s activism scene is ridiculous, and we felt mean limiting ourselves to the space constraints. So here’s the creme of the crop, the prime selection of ninjas and fans who are righteously raisin’ the ruckus in already raucous Atlanta.

Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition

Georgia Peace and JusticeThis coalition facilitates a volunteer activist network across a wide spectrum of different ages and backgrounds, allowing Georgians to coordinate their action and education efforts in support of the peace movement. We all have heard the hippie mantra that peace begins in the home, and the patchouli might have discouraged you from agreeing at the time, but international peace really will arise from our communities being healthy enough to move our focus beyond our borders. Georgia Peace and Justice concentrates their efforts on both the local issues on which we need to be aware and active, and the international travesties that tear our hearts. To be particular, these awesome activists host educational events, coordinate marches and protests, expose the truth behind military recruitment, and lobby. They are in their essence an organization focused right where they should be: educating their volunteers so that they can proliferate the knowledge. And yes, that is definitely Underground Communication.

Wonder Root

So, we’re artists. And we’re working to inspire positive social change.

Meet Wonder Root, they’re doing the exact same thing.

WonderRoot is a fabulous nonprofit dedicated to utilizing a variety of arts endeavors to inspire positive social change through the creation and propagation of art that educates. Wonder Root provides artists access to locales where they can create, arts education to underserved kids in Atlanta, and a space where artists learn from each other and collaborate. These are people working in different mediums across a spectrum on the experience scale coalescing to elevate each other. This process sounds stunningly familiar and if we were based in Atlanta you’d better believe that we would be in constant collaboration with this inspiring culture. We could let the kids decorate the triggerfinger and Lorin could take up finger painting.

If you’re in Altanta, and you’re interested in any traditional arts meduim, plus film, photography, digital arts, (and more, for certian) please plug yourself in. Building a community based on creativity is undeniably where it’s at.

Students Organizing for Sustainability

Atlanta TablersWhen I first tried to describe what these people do with themselves, I got a more than a little dizzy. Being dizzy is fun, to a certain extent, so here’s a partial list: this Georgia Tech student organization highlights how being green can be easy and fun through sustainable fashion shows, vegan bake sales, a bike rental program, sustainable lecture series, a campus CSA program, a community garden, education, demonstration, creation, elation, and pumping the vibrations with a summer sustainability concert series.

I almost feel a need to say no more here, as the variety of -ation words should breed enough motivation to explore how you can get involved. Although this is a campus-based organization, community members are welcome as well, and, if you couldn’t tell, you have a lot to gain by being involved, from vegan muffins to the ability to form a sustainable future in a fabulously active and intelligent way.

And, my friends, thus concludes our adventures in Atlanta. Please stay tuned for a new level of awesome activist opportunity from Bassnectar Labs this coming Fall.

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